Our technical training-centres
Experience is everything: the Technical-Vocational-Educational-Training-Centres Kaiserslautern and Ludwigshafen. This is where the inter-company apprenticeship training takes place. In addition, courses in many skilled crafts professions are offered. Professional staff identify comprehensive ways of further training and education. Our consolidated training courses to prepare for the Master Craftsman’s Diploma are popular with members of the Chamber and beyond. The training facility has more than 700 places available. 20 training workshops, 16 lecture rooms, four computer rooms – equipped with cutting-edge technology. The vocational education and further training is delivered in co-operation with accredited institutions, for example courses in welding techniques, or courses in electronics, plastics, and aluminium.
The modern equipment guarantees vocational education and further training at the highest level. This makes an impact. Delegations from abroad travel to Kaiserslautern and to Ludwigshafen to get information on the skilled crafts, its diversity and achievement.
Berufsbildungs- und Technologiezenrum Kaiserslautern (BTZ)
Im Stadtwald 15
67663 Kaiserslautern
Berufsbildungs- und Technologiezentrum Ludwigshafen (BTZ)
Karlsbader Straße 2
67065 Ludwigshafen
Berufsbildungszentrum Landau (BBZ)
Im Grein 21
76829 Landau